

Life in the North Pole

Fall-ing into a new routine: Emerson made herself right at home at Papa and Gaga’s house. She has no problem climbing every imaginable surface, emptying drawers, filling Cooper’s kennel with her books, and sneaking out of bed to set the table with paper plates. As usual, she’s very busy! She’s had a great transition into a new daycare and loves seeing her cousin, Jackson, every day at school! His awesome parents have invited me to share their BonFire Web Company office space which I couldn’t be more grateful for!  Earlier this week we had a play date with them at the pumpkin patch… so this is what it’s like to...

Anchors Away

I have a soft spot for anything nautical inspired (think stripes, Sperry’s, flags, boats, rope, anchors… everything) so when I saw this adorable dress I knew it was the perfect excuse for a maritime adventure! After leaving it hang in the closet for several months, we finally woke up one Saturday morning and decided it was the day Emerson would become a sailor. The marina on lake Red Rock was the perfect spot to explore on this particular cloudy morning so we began our day hiking down to the water. The docks were lined with majestic sailboats and I attempted to capture my adorable tot admiring each one while gazing...

Amusing Park

I realized just how big Emerson has gotten when Papa, Gaga, and I took her to Arnold’s Park last weekend.  It wasn’t until I noticed kids her size and smaller riding the ‘Fishies’ that we actually decided to give it a try. The look on her face was priceless when the machine began to move… fear, anticipation, excitement and wonder all wrapped up into one face. After a few spins around she began to relax and enjoy herself. It was a beautiful post-4th weekend spent riding the Merry-Go-Round, train, Fishies, and Dragon! True to form, Emerson found several good rocks and sticks around the park which she gripped tight throughout...