Family Reunion

We had the pleasure of seeing lots and lots of family this weekend! Nabers from all over the country gathered at the Lakes for some excellent meals, fun in the sun, and a competitive cribbage tournament — a Naber tradition! Emerson has been talking about how excited she is to see her cousins for weeks now. When it came right down to it and they all showed up she didn’t quite know what to do! Turns out she’s a shy girl just like her mama. Even so, we had a great time seeing everyone, but I wish I could have been in about 5 places at a time because the weekend...

Tuesday with Emme

Sitting fireside in thermal p.j.’s with my tea-partying tike is the perfect way to spend this frigid day. It’s the bite in the air that led to the broken water main which caused the closure of daycare which led to this Tuesday at home with Em. I can’t help but to feel like the best gift ever has been given to me today! While it’s wonderful to be with family every day, I have been missing these special one-on-one moments with E that I had once had in abundance… … Several hours later Emerson is asleep and I’m imagining the amount of destruction a toddler would be capable of without...

Up on the Rooftop…

As interested as Emerson was in the Christmas story, she was also well aware of Santa this year. She waited very patiently for everyone to wake up and gather together Christmas morning, but once we started on those gifts she was unstoppable. One of her Christmas books reminds us that the gifts we give one another represent the love of the Wisemen who brought gifts to Baby Jesus. Let me just say, we are loved and blessed by family and friends and I hope we always show love in return! I wish it didn’t take a major holiday to remind me of this each and every day. Wishing you all happy...

Night Before Christmas

Christmas Eve Day was full of family, friends and food! It marked the first day of waking up to a house full of Naber girls (and Gene) — a week-long tradition we hold dearly. Thanks to Emerson my sisters didn’t get to sleep in as late as they would like considering they were on vacation, but they were just as happy to wake up to her as she was to have them here! One highlight of the day was catching up with some of my favorite friends over lunch!  I couldn’t feel more blessed to have these women in my life and am so proud of each one of them!...

A Bittersweet Turn of Events

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. – Reinhold Niebuh Normally I wouldn’t write anything this personal for the world to read, but I’d like to briefly share our recent journey so that we might possibly begin moving forward again. It’s been difficult to blog in the past month as our family has been experiencing many changes. I am thankful to have had the wisdom to know that separating from Emerson’s father was the right thing to do and that we’d all be better for it eventually. I didn’t realize...