

Halloween 2016

Happy Halloween! I think I’ve put eyeliner on Emerson more times in the last week than I’ve put on myself in the last 6 months… honestly it’s about the only thing she will let me help her with these days. She woke up Halloween morning and decided at the very last-minute to ditch the Cheetah Girl attire she had laid out in favor of a Dancing Skeleton costume that she assembled on the fly.  I don’t think she could have been any more pleased with herself  for finding a way to wear glow-in-the-dark pajamas to school (her favorite). After school we performed yet another costume change that satisfied my need for something Disney; although, it...

Christmas (2015) in July

Here I am, wondering how I’ll ever get this blog caught up after a nearly year-long pause…. what better place to start than Christmas? Now that we’re well over 6 months past the holidays, the stress has been forgotten and the amazingness has lingered. This past year was especially great as we got the one thing we wanted but the last thing we expected…. my sister. My dad seamlessly pulled off the surprise of a lifetime. After a lot of deliberation Jory had decided she wouldn’t make it home from North Carolina for Christmas. This would be a first and our spirits were low. Little did we know she and my dad...

Memorial Daze

Memorial Day weekend signifies many different things to many different people: nationally we honor those who served and died in the U.S. military; locally it represents the beginning of summer tourism and the opening of seasonal restaurants and shops; and for our family this year it was our send-off for my youngest sister who moved across the country. Emerson was excited all week to spend some quality time with her aunties. We took advantage of Mimi’s last day with tons of girl-time including snuggles and a special shopping trip to adopt the newest member of our family: Shelly the hermit crab. Memorial Day itself was threatened by rain resulting in a cancelled parade...

Easter: Springtime Party

What would Easter not be complete without?  Dying eggs. Before Emerson left to spend the weekend with her dad and grandparents, we got busy coloring Easter eggs. We enlisted some help to blow the yolks out of the shell —  neither one of us had the required lung capacity.  After that she whizzed through a carton of eggs dipping each one in the dye whole-handedly. If I had followed the directions the colors may have turned out a little richer, but it was fun and who doesn’t love pastels for springtime? Sunday afternoon E returned home for an egg hunt — we were able to venture outside as it was a beautiful...

Little Lady Love

Every year our photographer friends over at Emery offer a heart-melting Valentine mini-session and every year I kick myself for not signing up. They do amazing things with kids and prove their miracle-worker status time and time again. Yes, I think they’re pretty great.  I was beyond thrilled when we signed up at the last minute this year and had a blast with their props and pops! Everybody needs to do this at least once!...