

New ‘do

It’s haircut season! Just shy of one year since her first haircut, E braved the chair again for a short, sassy new ‘do. Leading up to her appointment feelings were mixed and while it was hard for both of us to let go of her signature long hair, it turned out so cute and she definitely felt great about it afterwards....

18 Month Photos

This morning we had an appointment bright and early at 8 am for Emerson’s 18 month photos! She was very camera-shy and smiled with her tongue hanging out for most of the shots but we had a fun time anyway and got some cute photos in the process. Here are a few of my favorites!...

Birthday Fun: Part 2

I can’t imagine a more perfect 1st birthday! Emerson worked up a big appetite today playing with her new toy car and walking! For the first time she took four well-balanced consecutive steps! I especially love that she waited for her 1st birthday to surprise me! Here we are playing and enjoying our afternoon together....

11 Months, Really?

Milestones this month: Sudden attachment to a pacifier; Refusal to eat certain textures; Sleeping through the night more often; 3 biting incidents at daycare; Many bruises; Still very chatty; Entranced by the great outdoors – especially water and grass; Learned to spit food mind-blowing distances. So far, I am loving the anticipation of the arrival of Emme’s first birthday. It’s a significant milestone for all of us and I can’t wait to celebrate with family and friends. While my brain is swelling with details of party planning and presents, my heart is overwhelmed by mushiness. My baby is growing up and there’s nothing I can do to stop it! I...