

Halloween 2016

Happy Halloween! I think I’ve put eyeliner on Emerson more times in the last week than I’ve put on myself in the last 6 months… honestly it’s about the only thing she will let me help her with these days. She woke up Halloween morning and decided at the very last-minute to ditch the Cheetah Girl attire she had laid out in favor of a Dancing Skeleton costume that she assembled on the fly.  I don’t think she could have been any more pleased with herself  for finding a way to wear glow-in-the-dark pajamas to school (her favorite). After school we performed yet another costume change that satisfied my need for something Disney; although, it...

Oh, Great Pumpkin, where are you?

As you can see, Emerson’s final costume decision landed on Lucinda the ‘Bad Witch’ (this is a ‘Sofia the First’ reference for those of you who aren’t Disney Jr. smart). She enjoyed a night of trickery and ate more than enough treats to last until next year. In honor of our annual viewing of ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,’ I’ve decided to narrate our Halloween photos using Peanuts quotes from our favorite fall cartoon… Linus: On Halloween night, the Great Pumpkin rises from his pumpkin patch and flies through the air with his bag of toys to all the children. Sally Brown: Do I get to go trick-or-treating with...

Fall 2.0

In the final weekend before Halloween, we squeezed in several fun activities and still made time for plenty of relaxation. Here’s our weekend review in reverse order. Emerson pretty much summed up our afternoon yesterday when she said, “My feet are schfeating (sweating)! I can’t believe I’m saying this… I am too hot outside!” It was the most beautiful day we’ve enjoyed outside for months it seems. We played until the sun went to bed, mostly gathering or raking leaves. E has been making these lovely leaf bouquets lately which are actually really pretty in their own rustic way. She also gathered a variety of leaves that fit into the...

Fall 1.0

Our fall season hasn’t gotten off to the greatest start, but we’re looking forward to a fun-filled, virus-expunged second half! You know you’ve got a sick 3-year-old on your hands when she finally opens her eyes at 9 am only to look around for a minute and go back to sleep. We’ve both been plagued by some lingering bronchitis the past several weeks along with some lovely episodes of cough until you gag or worse. Pretty gross for you to read, but really, poor us! We’re missing out on some warm and colorful fall days which are numbered according to the weather man. A few weekends ago, we did manage...

Jack O’Lanterns

Earlier this week we carved pumpkins! I can’t remember the last time I did this but I can say I quite enjoyed it. Many thanks to the newfangled pumpkin carving tools — especially the seed scooper! Getting my hands dirty is not worth the carving experience… who knew I could have the best of both worlds! Emerson watched restlessly and was more interested in eating the slimy seeds than anything else. Any known health risks related to this? All in all I was thrilled to have an outdoor family activity on that 75 degree day!...