

Christmas Staycation

We hope everyone had a joyful Christmas this year! Emerging from a week of relaxation in Spirit Lake I am feeling dazed to say the least. Where am I? What day is it? What YEAR is it? Blog, what blog? Now that we’re home and back into the daily swing of things, it’s time to share some holiday joy! The past few weeks have been a blur – just like every other holiday in my experience. Emerson spent Christmas with my family this year and since being home we’ve noticed some definite spoilage after constant attention from aunts and grandparents! Emme was the first to begin opening gifts and the last...

‘Bubbas’ and Surprises!

In all the drama of the past week I forgot to mention Emerson has expanded her vocabulary to include the word ‘Bubba’ (bubble)! When we wash our hands, do dishes or take baths, ‘Bubbas’ are on her mind! It’s very cute because she holds out her hand and waits to be given some bubbles to play with. Very fun! A package for Emerson arrived today from Courtney and Andy! It really couldn’t have come at a better time as it lifted her spirits and distracted her from relentless teething pains. She had a ball tearing open the tissue paper and continued to move it in and out of the box...

Girl Friends

Can I just say how wonderful it is to sit back and watch my friends fall under the spell of my daughter? Thinking back to the ‘pre-mom’ days I am not sure I was quite as outgoing and loving with young children as my friends are with Emerson. Their support throughout the past year has meant the world to me and while many of them are not yet aboard the baby train, I know they will all be outstanding mothers. You know who you are, I love you all! A very close friend recently moved to Pella; it’s been nothing but a blessing. Not only do we work together but...

27 Years Ago

For as long as I can remember, birthdays have made me feel more uncomfortable than celebratory. I’m not afraid of getting older, so this strange feeling has been hard to explain. Finally in my 27th year I understand why. Maybe it’s the ‘mother’ in me, but I strongly feel that it would make far more sense to celebrate the people who created us in the first place. I am here today, the person that I am, because of my parents. They nurtured and taught me so that I could do the exact same in return for my own child. I don’t know who I would be without their great love....

I Made a Garden!

Another weekend almost gone, but we have a crib to show for it! Baby’s room is well underway and ready for some show-and-tell! I’m eagerly awaiting the dresser and handmade crib bumper/skirt a la Grandma Deb. It’s hard to put stuff away when it’s all so cute. I wish it could be displayed forever but unfortunately I still have a pile of things to shove into the closet somehow… baby E.E. is already very spoiled! Loved spending some time with my parents yesterday and looking forward to a visit from Nic’s parents this evening for a belated birthday celebration.  Here we go — week 38!...