

Coyote Territory

When your six-year-old admits to you she ‘has too much energy’, you know you’ve got problems. With temps in the 30’s today we broke out of the house and felt the sun on our faces for the first time all year! Emerson trudged around finding treasures and following deer and bunny tracks all over Papa and Gaga’s yard. At one point in our adventure she alerted me that we had entered ‘coyote territory’ and that was reason enough for me to lead the expedition back inside. I’m not sure playing in the snow would be quite as fun if there wasn’t hot chocolate to look forward to…...

Winter Re-cap

Now that spring is well underway I better fill in some blanks! The year has already gone far too quickly but we’re excited to gear up for a fun summer which is finally on the horizon. Our winter was pretty quiet and we took advantage by hibernating indoors for the most part. We did get out to play in the snow a few times to burn off some energy and leave baggies of nuts on the deck to feed the animals (E’s brain child). After a few months a blue jay was finally bold (hungry) enough to peck through the bag and steal each peanut one-by-one. Success! Our house is now surrounded by...

So. Much. Mess.

Did the toys get wet? Did somebody feed the stuffed animals after midnight? I think they’re multiplying! I’m amazed at how easy it is to forget just how much stuff has accumulated until it’s all sitting in a pile staring you in the face. The speed at which this pile-up is accomplished is equally as amazing. Let’s rewind. After breakfast Sunday morning, Emerson contentedly played in her room while I reluctantly worked in my room (putting away laundry and prepping for taxes). When I checked in on her the first time, what I found was too cute to forget. It appeared to me that Emerson was watching her babies watch...

Six More Weeks?

“A Super Bowl winner, I will not predict. But my weather forecast you cannot contradict, why that’s not a football but my shadow I see. Six more weeks of winter it must be.” – Punxsutawney Phil Straight from the mouth of the beloved groundhog, Phil, in just a little more than 6 weeks winter will be all but a cold memory. Not only am I looking forward to warmer weather for my own well-being, I’m desperately hoping Phil’s predictions are correct for the sake of Emerson’s winter outerwear. Last weekend we took some measurements after discovering her snow-pants were now more accurately snow-capris and barely came down to cover the...

Papa’s Girl

Emerson is truly crazy about each of her grandparents, but last weekend Papa was definitely her chosen playmate. From the moment he walked in the door Friday night after work she kept him busy. They snuggled up in a ‘fort’ Em made, she doctored him up with lots of band-aids and baby bottles, and they even managed to do some sledding before the last of our snow melted.  ...