Busy Little Bee

We had quite the week in the Naber-Stockdale residence! Somebody celebrated her 2 month birthday with a trip to the doctor on Tuesday. Those nasty shots were upstaged by a wonderful progress report — she’s grown to 23.5 in and 12 lbs! Her little noggin is trying to catch up with the rest of her body measuring in at 14 cm.  All that dancing and tummy time has really paid off because she already has excellent muscle control and development. As we like to say, she’s advanced. That same day we had a fun visit from Grandma Lynnette and Twyla.
Later in the week Emerson got to hang with the big girls at a jewelry party hosted by Michelle! Emme made lots of new friends and helped mom pick out a fun necklace – she went straight for the sparkle, that’s my girl! We rounded out the week getting to spend more time with Michelle during a pedicure and Chinese! It’s so easy to take such a sweet baby out and about. She’s wonderful in the car and studies each new environment very closely. Enjoy some pictures from the last week!

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