Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Babies have a way of putting magic into each day and this is no different for holidays. As we’re gearing up for Christmas, Emerson has made it impossible for me to forget the true reason for the excitement in my heart during this time. We have been blessed beyond belief this year and are thankful for every moment with our silly, sweet, three-month old daughter!

Forgive the cliche, but Emerson is growing like a weed! She has the cutest round belly and some long legs that already show great dancing potential! I wouldn’t be surprised if she skipped crawling all together and went right to walking because she love loves to be standing on those strong legs. Emme exhausts herself with chatter and has facial expressions that melt my heart. I’m afraid we have a drama queen on our hands. She prefers mom or dad’s attention at all times but will talk it up with her stuffed animal friends as a last resort. Her favorites are the ABC Giraffe and of course her big brother Bela who she’s just itching to play with. Over Thanksgiving she learned Patty-Cake and it’s still a pretty big hit around here. We could sing it 10x and get the same squeals of delight out of her over and over again. It seems like I’m always excited to see what’s in store for us and really can’t wait for Christmas to get here!

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