Preschool Prepster

Picture time! This year I jumped at the idea of a ‘Back to School’ themed session for Emerson’s three-year pics. It worked out perfectly that this was offered at the same time she’ll be turning three and also starting preschool at Safari (contingent upon potty-training which deserves an entire post in itself). eIMG_6838

Going along with the theme, I ordered an adorable preppy outfit online. True to form, I was a little late in doing so, and had to come up with something for her to wear last-minute (outfit arrived in the mail 2 days after her photos were taken). We picked out a good sweater and jeans combo that ended up getting the job done… along with a belt of Gaga’s that we wrapped around her twice in order to keep her pants up. Wardrobe malfunction avoided!

I can’t believe how old she looks in these photos, especially if you look back to our Emery shoot from last year. While she’s grown and changed in too many ways to count, she still puts up quite the fight when it comes to getting photos taken. All the props in the world wouldn’t be enough to distract her from the fact that 4 adults and a camera are all staring at her waiting for something magical to happen. Separation anxiety kicked in and it felt impossible to get her far enough away from me to get a decent shot. This year I brought Aunt Meggie to keep things fun and while we had a blast trying to get Emerson to relax for the camera, she had a different agenda: playing in the dirt, gathering sticks, and running away. I am beyond impressed with our photographers — I have no idea when, where, or HOW these photos were taken but I sure do love them! eIMG_6787 eIMG_6807 eIMG_6791 eIMG_6802 eIMG_6858 eIMG_6862

More about Amanda

I enjoy keeping track of my daughter, who is the sunshine to my cloudy days, with this blog. This is my chronicling of life into the unknown: the joy I find and lessons learned along the way!