Circus Review

The circus came to town this weekend and I’ve never seen my mom more excited than when she won tickets from KUOO for the whole family.

Emerson woke up several days in a row expressing great excitement towards visiting the Big-Top. Saturday finally arrived and the suspense built right through nap-time and finally peaked as we arrived and she caught her first glance at elephants, ponies, clowns, and a bounce house. It was more than enough stimulation for a two-year old  (at times probably too much). Emerson and I hopped on the back of an elephant as quick as we could! She was amazed by their trunks and how they fed themselves. I still don’t think it’s sunk in that she got to ride such a huge animal; one time around just wasn’t enough. Unfortunately we boarded the rear of the elephant and she’s so tiny you can’t quite see her sitting in front of me in the photos. Next time we’ll know better. Emerson had a lot more fun riding her own pony; although, I stood there irrationally scared to death for my child. I love horses but when it comes down to riding them, no thank you.  I guess going to horse camp years ago did nothing to ease my fears.Circus 2013Circus 2013Circus 2013Circus 2013Circus 2013Circus 2013

The show seemed to move quickly with many entertaining acts: big cats featuring white lions and tigers, acrobatic dogs, trampoline artists, aerial superstars, a juggler, crazy camels, horses, elephants, and dare devil motorcyclists which Emerson informed me made too much noise. She ate peanuts and sat very well throughout the show. It’s now Monday morning and she hasn’t forgotten that we ran out of time for the inflatable bounce house.  I’ll have to keep our priorities straight the next time the circus comes to town.Circus 2013Circus 2013Circus 2013Circus 2013


More about Amanda

I enjoy keeping track of my daughter, who is the sunshine to my cloudy days, with this blog. This is my chronicling of life into the unknown: the joy I find and lessons learned along the way!